Lviv, Lychakivska street, 232
Total area
1 322 м2
Start of design
Start of construction
End of construction
- pre-design works
- general design
- author's supervision
The project of reconstruction of the household-administrative building and the shop of preparation of nutrients with demolition of its part with the completion of the administrative building was developed by order of PJSC “Enzyme Company” according to the program of modernization of production and improvement of working conditions.

The project was implemented in collaboration with the architectural firm RE +, which developed the concept of appearance and interior solutions.

The designed object consists of:
- The designed extension is a three-storey house with a basement. Above-ground floors are designed for office space. The basement is intended for technical premises, part of the premises – for administrative functions without permanent staff.
- Reconstructions of the historic building of the non-operated shop of preparation of nutrients with the arrangement of administrative premises in it.
- Reconstruction of the stairwell of the existing household and administrative building.

3D Plan of the 1st floor
3D Plan of the 2nd floor
3D Plan of the 3rd floor
3D Plan of the 4th floor
3D Plan of the 5th floor