Construction management
Performing customer service functions
- determining the construction structure
- preliminary construction cost estimation
- shaping preliminary construction schedule
- support during permitting procedures
- contract management
- preparation of commissioning documents
- organisation of the facility commissioning
- accepting the completed object and its delivery to the investor’s team
Tenders and procurement
- tenders structure shaping
- developing rules and conditions for tender participants
- creating and verifying the list of tender participants
- tasks preparation and tender proposals collecting
- comparison of proposals and getting the investor’s approval of results
Performing general contractor functions
- preparation of documents for construction permit
- construction site preparation and organisation
- control of labor protection, construction safety and fire safety at the site
- development of a detailed construction schedule with all contractors
- organisation of production meetings with all contractors
- ensuring of preparing of executive documentation
- participation in the commissioning
- handover the finished object to the investor
Planning and deadlines control
- analysis of the construction schedule for correct planning and optimisation
- timeline modeling in BIM 4D environment
- controlling the approved schedule during the works
- real-time schedule updating and progress tracking
- solving schedule changes issues with contractors to meet the deadline
Cost planning and control
- analysis of the construction budget for correct calculation and optimisation
- calculation of cash flow for the construction period and real-time tracking
- consideration of alternative positions for costs optimisation
- payments control and verification with the approved budget and contracts
- verification of contingencies costs
- real-time construction budget updating
Technical supervision
- preparation of documents for construction permit
- evaluation of project documentation
- quality and technology control
- control of volumes of construction works
- executive documentation verification
- control of a journal of author’s supervision
- consideration of alternatives materials and equipments
- participation in commissioning