Lviv region, Boryslav
not implemented
Total area
105 595 m2
- collection of initial data
- concept
- pre-design works
Boryslav Industrial Park, the creation of which will allow attracting investments to our country, create new jobs, develop modern production infrastructure, and introduce modern production technologies. Also, the industrial park should create conditions for the relocation of business and become a tool for the recovery of enterprises.

InPark Boryslav will represent a group of industrial enterprises of various branches, for which engineering preparation of the territory, design and construction of engineering infrastructure and other service facilities is carried out.
Boryslav City Council is the initiator of the creation of the industrial park.

In general, it is worth noting that the creation and development of an industrial park in the city of Boryslav will allow solving the issues relevant to the city and ensuring a high level of sustainable development not only of the city, but also of the region.

List of buildings:
- Office building No. 1
- Office building No. 2
- Production and warehouse building with administrative and Household premises No. 1
- Production and warehouse building with administrative and Household premises
- Production building (rental clusters) No. 1
- Production building (rental clusters) No. 2
- Household building
- Engineering and technical buildings and structures
- An open warehouse with a railway track
- Truck parking lot with 50 parking spaces
- Parking for passenger cars, 500 spaces